Vote for Minecraft Server

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Terraconia - deine Freiheit, deine Welt!
Achtung: Der Server ist auf der Version 1.21.3! Server Banner

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Top voters for this month

Nickname Votes
SheepSheep's Avatar 61
WolfWolf's Avatar 43
AlexAlex's Avatar 8
VillagerVillager's Avatar 65
SlimeSlime's Avatar 5
EndermanEnderman's Avatar 67
SkeletonSkeleton's Avatar 48
ZombieZombie's Avatar 70
CreeperCreeper's Avatar 68
SteveSteve's Avatar 99
Girl Black Hair Black Blend Vader Agua Millo Kratos Gura Wind Horror Mcdonalds Mami Dead Tra Noba Moon Dirt Dios Anya Pillager Minelatino Red Boy Ban Cloud Vagabundo Flash Nobru Misa Noch Cool Boy