Vote for LokaMC Minecraft Server

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Top voters for this month

Nickname Votes
SlimeSlime's Avatar 39
ZombieZombie's Avatar 39
AlexAlex's Avatar 94
WolfWolf's Avatar 41
VillagerVillager's Avatar 17
SkeletonSkeleton's Avatar 67
CreeperCreeper's Avatar 13
SteveSteve's Avatar 69
EndermanEnderman's Avatar 17
SheepSheep's Avatar 81
Pjama Tf2 Perro Chaf Negan Blood Goggles Potato Rauntzent Chiken Jesse Phoenix Akatsuki Carpincho Mcdonalds Bana Sans Short Zombie Noche Saitam Maps Tomate Larry Chico Hate Drill Lovy Heroes Sensei