1291 / 2000

CraftMC.PL - Najlepszy serwer w Minecraft Server

CraftMC.PL Strona WWW: www.craftmc.pl
ɴᴏᴡᴀ ᴇᴅʏᴄᴊᴀ ɢɴʜɴ 1.21 ᴊᴜż ᴡʏꜱᴛᴀʀᴛᴏᴡᴀʟᴀ!

Server Address blazesv.pl
Server Port 25565
Players 1291 / 2000
Category Survival
Votes 0
Favorites 0
Hits this month 8
Country Poland PL
Website https://craftmc.pl/ Favicon https://craftmc.pl/
Version 1.8 - 1.21.4
Uptime 98%


IP serwera: CraftMC.PL
Wersja: 1.8 - 1.20.1
Tryby gry:
- Survival 1.20.1
- Ekonomia 1.20.1
- OneBlock
- SkyBlock
- MineBlock
- MegaDrop
- PvP
- ChestPvP
- SkyWars
- KitPvP
- Jail
- Prison
- HardCore 1.20.1
- Gildie
- Creative
- BoxPvP
- Anarchia SMP
- PlemieSMP
- MegaEnchant
- Duels
- PvP
- KidSMP 1.20.1
- WarSMP 1.20.1
- StarChest
- LifeSteal
- BedWars 1.20.1
- ChestPVP 1.20.1
- SkyBlock 1.20.1
- Anarchia
- PlemieSMP
i wiele wi?cej
Do??cz do nas ju? teraz! IP serwera: CraftMC.PL

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The IP address of CraftMC.PL - Najlepszy serwer w , one of the most popular Minecraft Server, is 'blazesv.pl'.
The port used for CraftMC.PL - Najlepszy serwer w is 25565.
From our most recent check, Hypixel is currently accommodating 1.291 players out of its total capacity of 2.000.
Yes. All the Minecraft Servers listed on Minecraft.Co.Com are Free to Play.
  • Copy the server IP from this page.
  • Open Minecraft and allow it to load completely.
  • Select "Multiplayer", followed by "Add Server".
  • Enter the server's IP address in the "IP Address" field.
  • Press "Done" to save your changes, which will redirect you to the server list tab.
  • Finally, select CraftMC.PL - Najlepszy serwer w from the list and click on "Join Server" to begin playing.



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