98 / 102

Nether Storm Minecraft Server

ɴʜʀʀᴅɪꜱᴄᴏʀᴅ: ᴡᴡᴡ.ɴꜱꜱᴠ.ᴘʟ/ᴅɪꜱᴄᴏʀᴅ
× Nowa edycja PvP już wystartowała, zapraszamy!

Server Address nssv.pl
Server Port 25565
Players 98 / 102
Category Survival
Votes 0
Favorites 0
Hits this month 5
Country Poland PL
Website https://www.nssv.pl Favicon https://www.nssv.pl
Version (1.8.x - 1.21) × 98 ᴏɴʟɪɴᴇ ×
Uptime 98%


Wersja serwera: 1.8.x - 1.21.x
Strona WWW: www.nssv.pl
Discord: www.nssv.pl/discord
Facebook: fb.nssv.pl

Tryby serwera:
EarthSMP [0/111]
Bridge Wars [13/150]
ClassicMC [2/100]
Bed Wars [7/333]
Mafia [0/160]
Creative [17/77]
Creative Copy [0/20]
PvP [33/175]
RealLife [70/222]
Chest PvP [2/122]
Skyblock [5/30]
BoxPvP [0/222]
Parkour [5/250]
TowerPvP [0/100]
HUB-1 [15/333]
Support [0/250]

A Ty który wybierasz? ツ
Do zobaczenia na serwerze!

CPU: 7,54%
Ping: 67ms

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The IP address of Nether Storm, one of the most popular Minecraft Server, is 'nssv.pl'.
The port used for Nether Storm is 25565.
From our most recent check, Hypixel is currently accommodating 98 players out of its total capacity of 102.
Yes. All the Minecraft Servers listed on Minecraft.Co.Com are Free to Play.
  • Copy the server IP from this page.
  • Open Minecraft and allow it to load completely.
  • Select "Multiplayer", followed by "Add Server".
  • Enter the server's IP address in the "IP Address" field.
  • Press "Done" to save your changes, which will redirect you to the server list tab.
  • Finally, select Nether Storm from the list and click on "Join Server" to begin playing.


Nether Storm Luka Terraria Yoshi Aizen Gunter Boy Capi Toji Minecraft Pastor Bica Schlatt Barba Meme Blake Brawl Cpvp Dwarf Asesino Chara Dream Reno Mafia Vector Eternals Forest China Power Iron Man Prison