Minecraft RGB Gradient Generator

Generate unique and stylish Minecraft names, tags, item labels, and more with this tool!


Minecraft Color Codes

Name Chat Code MOTD Code Hex Code
Dark Red (dark_red) §4 \u00A74 #AA0000
Red (red) §c \u00A7c #FF5555
Gold (gold) §6 \u00A76 #FFAA00
Yellow (yellow) §e \u00A7e #FFFF55
Dark Green (dark_green) §2 \u00A72 #00AA00
Green (green) §a \u00A7a #55FF55
Aqua (aqua) §b \u00A7b #55FFFF
Dark Aqua (dark_aqua) §3 \u00A73 #00AAAA
Dark Blue (dark_blue) §1 \u00A71 #0000AA
Blue (blue) §9 \u00A79 #5555FF
Light Purple (light_purple) §d \u00A7d #FF55FF
Dark Purple (dark_purple) §5 \u00A75 #AA00AA
White (white) §f \u00A7f #FFFFFF
Gray (gray) §7 \u00A77 #AAAAAA
Dark Gray (dark_gray) §8 \u00A78 #555555
Black (black) §0 \u00A70 #000000

Minecraft Format Codes

Type Chat Code MOTD Code
Obfuscated §k \u00A7k
Bold §l \u00A7l
Strikethrough §m \u00A7m
Underline §n \u00A7n
Italic §o \u00A7o
Reset §r \u00A7r

Minecraft introduced support for RGB hex colors in version 1.16. These can be used for **text color, signs, leather armor, and more**. To use an RGB color, you'll need its **hex code**. For example, to change text color, use commands like:
/tellraw @p {"text":"Hello World!","color":"#FFFFFF"}
In this command, `#FFFFFF` represents white. You can use similar commands like `/title` and `/team` with **JSON formatting** to customize text colors in the game.
**RGB** stands for **Red, Green, and Blue**, which are the **three primary colors** used in digital displays. By combining different intensities of each color, millions of colors can be created. RGB is commonly used in **TVs, computer monitors, and digital art**. In **Minecraft**, RGB allows players to customize text, armor, and other in-game elements with a vast range of colors.
An **RGB generator** is a tool that helps create RGB color codes by adjusting the **intensity of red, green, and blue (0-255)**. For example, **pure white is (255, 255, 255)**, while **black is (0, 0, 0)**. In **Minecraft**, an RGB generator can be used to create color gradients for **nicknames, chat messages, or item names**.
**RGB Birdflop** is a technique used to create **abstract RGB gradients** that work seamlessly in **Minecraft**. It is commonly used in **vanilla Minecraft**, as well as with **Spigot, Paper plugins, and mods**. Some of its popular applications include:
  • Renaming items using **/nick** or **/nickname**.
  • Applying color to **LuckPerms ranks**.
  • Customizing **leather armor colors**.
This method allows for **smooth, visually appealing gradients** that improve the overall customization experience in Minecraft.